Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Day 34 - Bike Issues....

We are sitting at the Comfort Inn's continental breakfast waiting until 10am when the only bike shop in town opens. Sam's front tire is totally warped and riding 35mph down a mountain pass would not be a good combination. So while we wait, I thought I would let you all in on a link that brings up all of the pictures Sam has sent to her University's Alumni website. Check them out....they are awesome! Also, the UIW's website also has each town we stay in, local weather, and fun facts. A great site! You can click below under "Pictures" or plug in this website...

1 comment:

buddy said...

hi im still following you the last i read was on the 29th and that seemed like yesterday i am going to try and bring up your pic tures especially the one of you in the hail storm im sure you will have many stories to tell us when you get home be safe and carefuil love you